[SRW X] IF root branch condition

Google translation

if route branching condition

Before the final story, there is a normal route and an if route two visible scenario branch.

By satisfying certain conditions, before the beginning of episode 49 episodes of options and conversation appear. The deployment of the future scenario changes depending on the option you select.

Pair of coalescing machine pairs Fan Gyuk Add early

Episode 24 Bra shoot down to Koji or Tetsuya

Episode 28 Kouji or Tetsuya shooting down the Dark General General

Episode 28 Kouji + Tetsuya shot down number 80 or more until clear

If you meet the conditions until clearing 28 episodes, the special scenario is the best village VS strongest appearance. Drunk pairs Fan Gyok early acquired.

Mazinger ZERO

Drunk pairs Fan Gyeok With early additional conditions fulfilled, reduce HP to 30,000 or less until Mazinger Zero withdraws in 28 episodes.

Before the last story scenario branch condition

Epis pilot is over 25 people until the clearing of the 48th episode.

Episode 48 Satisfying Mazinger Zero ally classic until clear.

If these conditions are satisfied, the option of if route arises before the beginning of episode 49.



スーパーロボット大戦X 隠し要素

スーパーロボット大戦X ifルート分岐条件

Super Robot Taisen X Hidden Element